Copy and paste this text right here: "화해" into the app store.

You will automatically be taken to the sign-up page the first time you open the app.

1. Enter your email and 2. you can click on the @ button to find all supported email domains.

3. Choose a password that is longer than 6 characters.

4. Choose a screen name between 2 and 12 characters.

In step 5, the app verifies that your screenname is still available for use.

5b. This is not shown on the screenshot to the left, but the text in the gray box that spans the entire screen above the data entry area is a survey question. They are asking you to inform them how you heard about Hwahae. To do this, press on it, and choose any of the options that pop up. It doesn't really matter which you choose.

6. Check all three of the boxes at the bottom of the screen.

7. Click next, at the top right.

Fill out your profile including your gender, year of birth, skin type, and skin concerns.

The app uses this information to recommend products to you based on your skin type every once in awhile.


This is the same page as the screen above, only filled out. There is a drop-down question that pops up after you pick your birth year. Apparently a Korean age of 32 prompts the app to ask whether you have kids or not. Rude. Just kidding, YES HwaHae has information on kids personal care products! <3

OPEN... SESAME GINSENG HANBANG! You did it, you're at the home screen!

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