Neogen Code9 Lemon Green Caviar and Tox Tightening Pack Kit Unboxing & First Impressions

Friday, May 27, 2016

Hi everyone, today I have a quick unboxing and first impressions of the Neogen Code9 Lemon Green Caviar Essence and Tox Tightening Pack Kit, sent by Memebox, through their Brand Ambassador program. This is my first time using a product from the Neogen brand so I am/was excited to see how it works out.

Neogen Dermalogy is actually kind of like Club Clio in the sense that it's a beauty conglomerate and houses multiple brands. So Neogen Dermalogy is the momma brand and there are 3 brands in all - Neogen Dermalogy, Code9, and RE:P. All three brands are certified cruelty-free as designated by the Leaping Bunny Cruelty-Free standard that was launched earlier this year.

For awhile whenever I thought about Neogen, the images that came to mind were all-natural, fruits and antioxidant packed skincare that came in the simplest and chicest of packaging. But boy is this Code9 brand offshoot a departure from this image. You'll see why below.

According to Memebox...
This is a multifunctional solution essence infused with lemon extract, green caviar, multivitamins and 55 kinds of natural organic extracts that brightens, firms, hydrates, nourishes and tightens the skin in just a single use! This essence is paired with a 100% pure cotton gauze pad that has a cushion sheet and patterned pad that effectively detoxifies and exfoliates the skin. This advanced concept allows nutrients and active ingredients to be fully absorbed by the skin. With continuous usage, it transforms the skin into smoother and more youthful state.

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The Code9 brand aesthetic seems to be 'Skincare for the apocalypse' or 'Skincare should a nuclear war break out'. The product packaging and box is bright yellow and the Code9 symbol not too far off from a warning hazard sign. The box that this product comes in is about the size of a women's shoe box.

Opening up the box you'll see the product, which is a set of gauze peeling pads and a bottle full of essence. The peeling pads and the essence come stored separately and need to be combined before first use. On the left is the bottle of essence. there is a set of plastic tweezers that come with the product, and lastly the tub houses the gauze peeling pads.

Here's another view of the product pre-combining them.
The bottle on the left you can upcycle into a vase or to hold your q-tips or whatnot. The tub of gauze peeling pads on the right, you will want to keep in the refrigerator.
The essence you can see is a deep daffodil yellow color and is actually quite viscous.

Here's a closer look at what the gauze peeling pads look like. There's an exfoliating side which is tinted green. You can see the way the threads are woven tightly into a cross-hatch pattern makes for a gentle physical exfoliator.

The other side is white and quilted. This side is ideal to use to pat the product in until it is fully absorbed.

So now it's time for the fun little 'chemistry' experiment...

To use, you'll want to take the lemon green caviar essence and pour it into the tub of dry gauze peeling pads. The bottle of essence has a safety seal you'll need to break. After you pour the essence in, you'll want to set the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 9 hours; that way the pads will have enough time to soak in the essence.

I poured the entire thing in. Now, other brands that do similar products to this one usually come pre-poured, I'm not entirely certain I approve of the extra packaging required to make this a DIY skincare product. While it is mildly satisfying to watch the pads absorb the product etc. I don't think it's quite that prudent of the brand. I'm uncertain why they chose to package it this way, but I prefer pre-soaked peeling pads just for the sake of being just a bit more environmentally friendly.

The tub comes on a little stand and is leak-proof. There's a little holder for the tweezers as well.

Okay so all in all, this is a fun little DIY product but let's talk about the results. I've used this product just a handful of times so far, so please take my words with a grain of salt.
It's a very light and gentle physical exfoliator for the face and leaves skin smooth. The essence however is not my favorite as it isn't all that hydrating, nor is it all that moisturizing. It doesn't even reduce the redness on my face, which is something that almost all of my skincare products do. I chalk it up to the fact that the essence also includes lemon and a few other potentially phototoxic and irritating ingredients. I don't view this product as an all-in-one exfoliator and moisturizer for those with dry skin like me. Someone with oily, normal, and/or non-sensitive skin may be able to get away with it. Anyways, I am happy to have been able to try it - it made me feel a bit like Madame Curie mixing up a potion for my face for a fleeting moment. I am interested in other gauze peeling pad products, but those with different ingredients profiles and those that come pre-soaked in essence.

Find it at Memebox for $35 for 25 peeling pads, 280 ml*

Have you tried these all-in-one exfoliators before? Which is your favorite?

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